CREATE A Marketing Team That You Control...

A Proven Marketing System To Reach $15k

In Monthly Sales AND The First Ever AI Booking Agent

Learn The Marketing System Matt Created To Teach Thousands of Body Contouring Business Owners How To Run Profitable Ads, Generating $10k/Month-$70K/Month In Sales.

Full Price $1,697

Sale Price: $297/mo

CREATE A Marketing Team That You Control...

A Proven Marketing System To Reach $15k

In Monthly Sales AND The First Ever AI Booking Agent

Learn The Marketing System Matt Created To Teach Thousands of Body Contouring Business Owners How To Run Profitable Ads, Generating $10k/Month-$70K/Month In Sales.

Full Price $1,697

Sale Price: $294

The 5 Day Marketing Boot Camp

What Would Happen?

If you never had to worry about wasting money on another marketing agency...

If you could intelligently control your own marketing destiny...

If you had a proven marketing system that worked all year long...

If you never had to worry about where your next client was coming from...

If you had the ability to start playing in the big leagues...

Its no secret that marketing agencies charge upwards to $2,000 a month for marketing, but for a good reason! I've charged that too.

...But I have also helped business owners make over $250,000 in 3 months too. So yes they can justify it, but you have to have all your systems and processes in place to make that happen.

You cant get there by just bringing in leads, EVERYTHING needs to be in alignment, and thats where some business owners fail. Marketing isn't magic... It's just the matchstick that starts the fire.

Hiring a "Marketing Agency" will not solve your new client problems, you'll just find more...

If you are not set up right, and have the systems in place to make it work.

  • If you are sick of not hitting revenue goals

  • Dealing with Over priced marketing agencies that don't follow through

  • Don't know how to run ads

  • Don't know how to target your perfect client

  • Wondering where your next client is coming from

  • Don't have a marketing plan

  • Sick of wondering why you can't get ahead

We are going to help you create that marketing team in house and to do everything a "Marketing Agency" does... without the hassle of actually dealing with an agency.


Did I mention it's FREE? You just cover the cost of the software..

This system is being used right now by over 530,000 business owners and generating millions in revenue

What is in the software?

  • Proven Tactics on How to Close Clients on Bigger Packages

  • How to create Facebook and Instagram ads in less than 30 seconds

  • Unlimited Funnels

  • Proven Facebook ads already done

  • Ad Targeting

  • Proven Ad Copy

  • Body Contouring Specific Text Follow up

  • Unlimited Websites

  • Unlimited Calendars

  • Unlimited Contacts

  • Unlimited Invoicing

  • Unlimited Team Members

  • Unlimited Products

  • Unlimited Courses

  • Unlimited Forms/Surveys/Quizzes

  • Unlimited Pipelines

  • Unlimited Social Planner

  • Complete CRM

  • Advanced Automations & Workflows

  • Email Marketing

  • SMS Marketing

  • Two-way SMS and Email Communication

  • Journey Tracking

  • Reputation Management

  • Bulit-in Affiliate Management System

  • Webchat Widget

  • Outbound Phone System

  • Sales Agent Reporting

  • Marketing Blueprint

  • How to Create Your Own Marketing Team

  • Take Payments

  • Month to Month, No Longterm Agreement… and so much more!

We can also integrate Artificial Intelligence copy creator for our social planner, blog posts, emails, websites, and funnels

You Can Do Anything, But You Cant Do Everything

The 5 Day Marketing Bootcamp

What Could You Do With An Extra $10k/mo?

  • How to bring in leads from Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Google My Business... The proper way!

  • How to talk to leads to get them to schedule

  • How to optimize your campaign for best results

  • How to create a 12 month long term follow up through text and email

  • How to post on LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok, Google Business, Twitter, and Instagram at once

  • How to create a months worth of content, in a couple hrs.

  • Best targeting methods for 2023

  • How to automate your entire lead system

  • How to hire a VA for less than $4/hr.

  • How and when to use a call center that books on your system AND takes a deposit before they schedule

  • Get almost $7,000 of software's for just $94 a month

  • We are going to show you exactly what these business owners are doing to make $20k, $40k, $60k and more a month

  • How to create YOUR OWN marketing team

The 5 Day Marketing Bootcamp

What Could You Do With An Extra $10k/mo?

  • How to bring in leads from Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Google My Business... The proper way!

  • How to talk to leads to get them to schedule

  • How to optimize your campaign for best results

  • How to create a 12 month long term follow up through text and email

  • How to post on LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok, Google Business, Twitter, and Instagram at once

  • How to create a months worth of content, in a couple hrs.

  • Best targeting methods for 2023

  • How to automate your entire lead system

  • How to hire a VA for less than $4/hr.

  • How and when to use a call center that books on your system AND takes a deposit before they schedule

  • Get almost $7,000 of software's for just $94 a month

  • We are going to show you exactly what these business owners are doing to make $20k, $40k, $60k and more a month

  • How to create YOUR OWN marketing team


Day 1

What The System Is

How this one system can catapult your business, and allow you to play with the big leagues. This is the exact same system every marketing team is using to hit those massive revenue goals. The only difference is how you use it

Inside You Will Learn:

  • What over 530,000 business owners use to get ahead

  • What the capabilities of the system are how to use it to your advantage

  • Truly a one stop shop for all your marketing

Day 2

The Truth About Agencies and Ads

Set yourself up with proper expectation for your marketing. It doesn't make sense to hire a marketing team if you dont know what you are doing. I have heard stories of people wasting well over $25k, for something you can easily learn and apply for a fraction of the cost.

Inside You Will Learn:

  • What "agencies" are hiding from you

  • What is the real story behind ads and how to avoid the major issues

  • The cold hard truth about ads... and the light at the end of the tunnel

Day 3

Setting Up Your New Automated System

This is the exact blueprint we created to make sure leads do not fall through the cracks. No lead left behind, while also respecting your time. Giving you more time to do what you love.

Inside You Will Learn:

  • How to use automation to save your time and leads

  • Creating your marketing vision

  • Step by step on how to capture every lead and keep them from falling in the cracks

Day 4

Create Your Longterm Follow up

How to create those stunning emails and text and how to plug them in with a personal touch that will blow them away.

Inside You Will Learn:

  • Why its important to nurture your leads through automation

  • Shortcuts on creating emails

  • Leverage AI and custom text messages to get leads to act

Day 5

Creating Ads That Work

How to stop wasting money and run ads the correct way. We show you exactly why accounts get shut down, why ads get rejected, and we also give you the ad and ad copy that will not get rejected. Learn what to do to get your ads back up if they do get rejected

Inside You Will Learn:

  • How to bring in leads from Facebook, Instagram, the proper way!

  • What kinds of ads work

  • Graphics and ad copy templates done for you

Still Got Questions?


$297 a month? I thought you said it was free

Yes, the training is free but we put everything together for you on this software. It is literally what every marketing company uses. Over 560,000 business owners use this system. The only difference is that I was one of the first 20 that had access to it. Think of it like a white board, you can have Pablo Picasso draw on it and you could have a 5 year old draw on it. You're going to get 2 totally different results

Can I cancel?

You sure can! Cancel at anytime. We struck a deal with the company to give you a special discount. The software retails for $497.

I'm just starting, can this help?

Thats the beauty of the system... It works for companies that are brand new and it works for companies that are already making $100k a month!

What makes you qualified?

Ive trained over 2000 marketers on how to get results for their clients. I've probably trained some of the people you've talked to or have worked with. Now I'm skipping the line and training business owners directly.

Will this work for other services?

You betcha (Minnesota accent coming out) You can tailor this to any service and create multiple offers as well. Its unlimited

What if I need more hands on training?

For sure! It happens sometimes people need a hand and we can most certainly do that for and additional fee

How long is this going to take?

Training is 5 hrs long. The reason why is that we cant teach 9 years of marketing in 30 min like most "Influencers/Coaches" do. Thats why we created this system was because the "Coaches" are doing it all wrong.

When does the bootcamp start?

Right now! As soon as you make A payment you will get access right away and can start whenever you'd like

Here's What Other
Body Contouring Owners Are Saying

Bonus Day: 6

Day 6

How To Get Anyone To Buy

As a business owner you will get objections. If you dont know how to properly handle them, you ARE leaving money on the table. This is what separates the top 1% from everyone else.

Inside You Will Learn:

  • What to say to get them to book

  • How to clear the top 10 objections. Like "I need to think about it" and "I cant afford it"

  • The best questions to ask to minimize friction when you ask them to buy your package